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How do I stop worrying about my skin? Please HELP?

5th June 2011

How do I stop worrying about my skin? Please HELP?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Im 15 years old. Im not going to lie I know I am attractive and I know God didnt make me ugly or anything in a nonconceited way. But my one big insecurity is my skin. When I was 7 years old I started getting acne on my face. I struggled with it my whole life. Last November I went on Accutane and my acne has completely cleared up. But I am left with these purplish red marks on my face from cystic acne bumps. There is a patch on my cheek one mark on my chin and a big shiny one on the tip of my nose. I try my best to cover it up with makeup but due to the extremity of the color of the spots you can still see the marks a little bit especially the one on my nose which I am the most insecure about. I asked my dermatologist what I could do to make them go away and he said these marks are like ashes after a fire. The only medicine that will help them go away is time lol cheesy right?. anyways because of these marks Im always spending my money on foundation primers concealers bb creams etc. It is like an OCD thing and I cant stop. I just want my skin to be near to perfect for once but I know that wont happen. How do I stop worrying?

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  1. 1 On June 5th, 2011, I Dont Know said:

    aww sweetie Im 15 too and acne sucks I know :

    Ive never had it bad on my face but I have suffered with backshoulder acne for 2 years and it is so hard especially with summer when I see all the girls in their cute tank tops and swim suits and I am burning with embarassment through dance recitals leotards just suck :/

    I have several friends with pretty bad acne and to be quite honest nobody really cares or notices. Its just a natural part of being a teenager and although none of them wear foundation or try to cover it up they still get the same attention from guys.

    As for fading the marks I recommend trying a diy face scrub that has helped my back made from a spoonful of honey a tiny bit of olive oil a few drops of lemon juice and enough sugar to reach a scrub consistency. Also you could try an alpha hydroxy acid lotion a chemical exfoliant that brings new skin cells to the surface rapidly to fade marks or a scarfading product like neutrogena fight and fade gel.

    I know it sucks but the most important thing is to be as confident in yourself as you can and just give off that screw everyone persona that tells them you dont give a sht what they think about your skin.

    If you want to cover dont go for the obvious fullcoverage foundations and concealers but opt for a colour corrector green cancels out red with a light tinted moisturizer or mineral powder on top.

    Good luck 😀

  2. 2 On June 5th, 2011, Gigiguigig Gkgkugkgkgkgkgu said:

    For the makeup to cover it up completely and hide the markings you can get an airbrush makeup kit. You may have to order it online somewhere but it will work :
    Or you can get a matte foundation and press it into the acne scars then sweep a bit of powder over the areas and the rest of your face they wont be as noticable then
    BUT really its skin and it will take time to heal. honestly having small scars and dots is better then having a full out acne breakout and if the dertmatologist said it will take time then let it be. You can use healing agents like polysporin or neosporin too or go to your doctor and ask for a cream to help healing process as these will possibly make the scars fade faster :

    Other then that though just dont worry about it. Almost every teen has acne of some sort some kids get it worse then others but that doesnt mean the person doesnt look nice people look past the acne dont worry too much :

  3. 3 On June 5th, 2011, Jevan Samuels said:

    quit taking accutane havent you seen the commertials warning people about the side effects to that drug my sister took it a long time ago and now she has several health issues…i have bad acne also but you need to realize that nobodys perfect..if a guy doesnt like you for being you then hes not worth your time…like if u get married will you applying makeup right when you wake up so he doesnt see you without makeup on? no you wont you need to love yourself girl

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